Rob Zombie
How “The Devil’s Rejects” Made the Record

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The Devils Rejects

Where Zombie and his record producer Humphrey composed original music for the HO1KC film, he used another composer to do period music for its sequel “The Devil’s Rejects.” However, when it came time to record his new album, Zombie decided to finally write a song based on the sequel — after the fact.

The Devil’s Rejects Song
Deciding to further tie his passion for his films into his music endeavors, Zombie wrote a song based on his latest feature release, and aptly titled it “The Devil’s Rejects.” He had previously done a song called “House of 1000 Corpses” which was in the HO1KC movie.

In a heated orgy of mixed media and soul-pummeling live performance, whenever Rob Zombie plays the HO1KC song live, clips from the HO1KC movie will also be playing on the video screens up on the stage. “And It’s like a surreal moment where I can be on stage playing a song from my movie with a clip from my movie playing, where it kind of all ties together and it’s all very cool,” explains Zombie.

However, since Zombie used period music for “The Devil’s Rejects” film, and didn’t feature any of his own music in the movie, he couldn’t have the same experience with bringing his latest feature out on stage with him. “I was kind of missing that being able to tie it all together while playing live,” he says. “So I hadn’t played in a while, and when I played on Halloween and we busted out the video screens, I was going, ‘We should write a Devil’s Rejects song!’ And I really liked the idea of going back and writing a song about my own movie after the fact. I thought that was perfect for being able to tie it all in.”

After discussing the concept with Zombie, Humphrey thought up a beat for “The Devil’s Rejects” song, and they took it from there. “It’s one of those songs where it sounded like it was done early on,” says Humphrey. “There are those songs that you have to struggle with to make it sound like it’s finished. But this one came together really quickly. I think we wrote the music in two or three hours max and Rob wrote the lyrics overnight. Why can’t every song go that easily?”

In the end, “The Devil’s Rejects” track — which is the tenth song on Rob Zombie’s “Educated Horses” CD release — ended up a slightly different hue compared to the rest of the tracks. “John 5 played a steel guitar on it and it’s got a very like lo-fi twang vibe to it that’s very different from the rest of the record,” says Zombie. “It has much more to do with the look of the film. Basically we were trying to turn the look of the film into a song.”

Next page: How Filmmaking is Like Songwriting

Rob Zombie

1. On Making Films and Records
2. Zombie’s World Takeover
3. The Making of “Educated Horses”
4. How “The Devil’s Rejects” Made the Record
5. How Filmmaking is Like Songwriting

Useful Links

Rob Zombie Music and Films
The Chop Shop

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