Cycling ’74
Plug into endless plug-ins with Pluggo

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Cycling ’74 developed Pluggo in a quest to deliver a ton of highly interesting plug-ins at a modest price. With a wide range of sound design possibilities, Pluggo 3.1 will fill up your plug-in folder with infinite possibilities for sound tweaking — all within a single install.

Pluggo offers a real-time interactive audio processing, modulation, and synthesis environment that works right inside your favorite audio app or DAW with effects like delays, filters, pitch effects, distortion, granulation, spectral effects, modulators, multi-channel effects, synthesizers, audio routing, reverb and dynamics, and visual display.

Pluggo definitely offers something for every sound palette, including additive synths, analog-modeling drum and percussion synths, theremins, sampling, granular synthesis, FM synthesis and wavetable synthesis. You can combine all of these instruments with pluggo effects plug-ins and modulator plug-ins and tap into a world of sonic possibilities that are seemingly inexhaustible.

The Never Ending Plug-in
Pluggo is truly limitless and you can chain your favorite plug-ins together to either consolidate space or create your own custom sounds. The shameless abundance offered up through Pluggo is made possible by the power of Cycling ’74’s Max/MSP audio processing system and its plug-in development tools. Pluggo uses a run-time version of Max/MSP, and since all of the Pluggo plug-ins run within the same environment, they work behind the scenes as you smoothly program away in your sequencer.

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For example, the PluggoSync plug-in listens to an audio click track, then tells other plug-ins where the beat is, and the PluggoBus system lets plug-ins send up to eight channels of audio to each other — exploding the limitation of one or two outputs per plug-in audio sequencers. Pluggo also offers a set of Modulators — plug-ins that let you mess with the parameters of other plug-ins in limitless ways.

Pluggo 3 additionally includes nineteen new Essential Instruments for your pleasure, as well as M2M, a plug-in that converts MIDI information into modulation data to change the parameters of other plug-ins.

MIDI-ready and AU, VST and RTAS Compatible
Joining the original Cycling ’74 plug-ins like Feedback Network, Tapped Delay, and Swish, are over 19 new yummy instrument plug-ins offered up in a variety of flavors for you for use in your AU, VST, or RTAS host application, and Pluggo plug-ins can send and receive MIDI information.

Pluggo 3 supports host synchronization for Audio Units and VST host applications, and for beat-synchronized parameter changes, sample-accurate tempo sync for a plug-in’s modulating LFOs, and tempo-relative settings for plug-in parameters like delay time. Refer to the table to the lower right so see which features are supported on various Mac OS X host applications.

What Else Do You Need?
Pluggo will work in host audio apps that support Audio Units, VST, or RTAS plug-ins, on a Power Mac computer running system 10.2 (G4 or G5 processor is recommended).


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Cycling ’74 Pluggo

(click the image below to purchase)

Cycling 74 Pluggo 3.0
Cycling 74 Pluggo 3.0

Plugs for Pluggo

“Pluggo is the best 74 bucks I ever spent on a plug-in,” says Charlie Clouser, Grammy-nominated composer/programmer/remixer and engineer for bands like NIN, Rob Zombie and Helmet, and television composer for NBC’s Las Vegas and CBS’s “Numbers.” “It’s so great, that those guys could have tacked another zero on the end of the price tag and it would still be well worth it.”

For sound design, composition, remixing and producing, sound designer, remixer/producer/composer/engineer Richard Devine uses everything he can get his hands on. “I use Logic Audio quite a bit, Reaktor, Supercollider, Cycling ’74’s Max/MSP and Pluggo, GRM Tools, CDP, Soundhack, Soundmaker, Bias Peak, Metasynth and Symbolic Sound’s Kyma,” he says.

ApplicationHost Sync MIDI Input MIDI Output Automation
Cubase SX (1 and 2) yes yes yes yes
Nuendo yes yes yes yes
Digital Performer 4.1 yes yes yes yes
Live 3.x yes no no yes
Logic Audio 6.x yes yes no yes
Max/MSP no yes yes n/a
Pro Tools 6.1 soon yes no yes
Spark 2.x no no no n/a
Soundtrack no no no no
Peak 4.x no no no n/a

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